Trusted by many:

Trusted by many:

Mobile, Console and VR versions of your games
PixelRatio codevelops games with studios and specializes in porting (mobile & console).
We also develop original experiences (such as serious games in VR) for external partners.
We work with Plug In Digital and many others, why not you?
Social VR
Replace your calls by virtual
meetings full of interactions,
3D audio, voice chat and
custom avatars.
VR will reshape the way we
learn. Virtual classrooms leads
us to learn by experimentation.
Virtual Sports
Jump into new wave of sports.
We develop social VR sports
games for events and brands.
Mobile VR
The direct way to connect your
audience and experiment your
brand values, anytime,
3D Realtime Interactive
Enjoy the limitless capabilities
of Virtual Reality. Put a team
working together, no matter
where they are.
Place your virtual content into
real world. Furnish your house,
show your products or overlay
information over reality.
Social VR
Replace your calls by virtual meetings full of interactions, 3D audio, voice chat and custom avatars.
VR will reshape the way welearn. Virtual classrooms leadsus to learn by experimentation.
Virtual Sports
Jump into new wave of sports.We develop social VR sportsgames for events and brands.
Mobile VR
The direct way to connect youraudience and experiment yourbrand values, anytime,anywhere.
3D Realtime Interactive
Enjoy the limitless capabilitiesof Virtual Reality. Put a teamworking together, no matterwhere they are.
Place your virtual content intoreal world. Furnish your house,show your products or overlayinformation over reality.

PixelRatio - A Plug In Digital Studio